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RTA and fire

You witness an accident. What to do?

Our training will help you feel more confident in challenging traffic conditions.
You will learn:
•    How to put out a burning car in a correct and safe manner.
•    How to save yourself and help the people nearby.
•    What to do before the rescue team and the fire fighters arrive.
•    Where to call and how to correctly provide information.
•    How to give correct first aid to the wounded.
Purpose: psychological, tactical and technical training for personal drivers and owner-drivers to survive and do urgent rescue actions during road traffic accidents.
Training summary
At the driving range, we model RTA situations: fire in the motor box, obstacle encounter, two cars collision.
As the drivers solve the given problems, they learn to:
•    keep calm and stable in an emergency;
•    quickly and correctly identify the main source of danger;
•    put out a burning car;
•    safely and correctly do initial examination of the RTA victims;
•    correctly provide information about the accident;
•    correctly interact with rescuers and paramedics giving first aid to the wounded.
The training will help you learn to correctly assess the circumstances, choose the right sequence of actions, and confidently manage the rescue means.
The training is conducted by a team of two instructors — professional rescuers.
Training duration: 3 hours.
Participants: 6–8 individuals.
Locations: training range.
At the close of the training
The participants receive: practical skills of what to do in a road traffic accident.

The company receives: trained drivers able to decisive and competent actions in case of a road traffic accident.


Training center address:
29 Yuzhnobutovskaya street, Moscow, 117042
Phone: 8 (499) 502-08-00
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